Institute of Astrophysics and Space Sciences
Personal Website
Research Gate
Inês Meira Leite
PhD Student
Research fellowship position in the field of Optical Instrumentation for Astronomy
Detectors -- Direct Imaging -- Interferometry -- Optical Design
Current Research Summary:
Currently under a research fellowship in the field of Optical Instrumentation for Astronomy (hoping to enroll in a PhD program next year), essentially helping out in projects that are being undertaken by the Instrumentation team of the Institute of Astrophysics and Space Sciences in Lisbon – like the MOONS (ESO) project, for example.
Prior Research:
Internship at Institute of Astrophysics and Space Science, Portugal - Research in the field of Optical Instrumentation for Astronomy
Masters’s degree at Faculty of Sciences University of Lisbon, Portugal - An optical metrology system for the measurement of the refractive index of glass
Bachelor’s degree at Faculty of Sciences University of Lisbon, Portugal (2018)