European Southern Observatory


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Angela Cortes

Instrumentation System Engineer

Adaptive Optics, Spectroscopy, Optical turbulence profiling, image processing, Instrumentation

Adaptive Optics -- Optical Turbulence Profiling -- High Contrast Imaging -- Spectroscopy -- Signal Processing

Current Research Summary:

Part of the Instrument System at ESO, working on ERIS and PDS.

Before I worked at MPE, with the "new" second generation instrument for Paranal Observatory, ERIS. Performing the integration, alignment, operation and characterization of the instrument.

Prior Research:

Worked on Instrumentation engineer group at Paranal, and at the Science Operation group.

During my PhD I studied a method for turbulence profiling using the information of the 5 WFS laser guide stars of GeMS, at Gemini South. And afterwards I worked as an Instrument engineer at Paranal, for mainly the following instruments: SINFONI, MACAO, SPHERE and NACO.