University of Exeter
University of Michigan
United Kingdom

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Narsireddy Anugu

Post-Doctoral Researcher

Instrumentation for high angular resolution astronomy

High Angular Resolution Imaging -- GRAVITY -- CHARA -- MIRC -- Interferometry

Current Research Summary:

I work in the field of high-angular resolution imaging instrumentation. Currently I am working as postdoc on the upgrade of CHARA/MIRC interferometer which enables efficient milliarcsecond-resolution imaging of young stellar objects etc. This upgrade consists of mainly an installation of SELEX/SAPHIRA e-APD array. This near-infrared detector is a low-read noise camera and that will dramatically increase the sensitivity of the instrument.

During my PhD I developed GRAVITY acquisition camera as a team member of CENTRA/University of Porto, Portugal. It enables beam stabilization for GRAVITY. GRAVITY is a second generation instrument for the Very Large Telescope Interferometer at ESO. The main science goal of GRAVITY is to uncover the physics of our Galactic Center black hole and it was commissioned in 2016.

Prior Research: